Intermittent fasting has become a very popular dietary trend over the past few years. Many people have switched over to this style of eating due to the numerous health benefits it can provide. Some of these benefits include increased metabolism, autophagy, fat loss, and other neurological benefits. If you don’t know much about intermittent fasting and are unsure if it is right for you, check out my article on intermittent fasting here.
However, for those of you new to intermittent fasting or even those are have been doing it for years. I am going to be ranking the best sparkling waters to drink while intermittent fasting. This is a comprehensive buying guide that will help you make a decision on the best sparkling waters to drink while fasting. Those who participate in intermittent fasting or time restricted eating often cherish their drinks during the fasting window! If you fast, you will understand. These drinks include water, sparkling water, black coffee, etc. These all are acceptable drinks to consume while fasting. One of my personal favorites is sparkling water. This article will be ranking the best sparkling waters that are acceptable to consume while intermittent fasting.
Sparkling Water While Fasting
Sparkling water is an excellent choice while intermittent fasting. Plain water can get boring especially every single day while fasting. So a great alternative is sparkling water. Sparkling water mixes it up a bit and not only provides hydration, but also is a refreshing carbonated beverage while fasting. Research shows the carbonation in sparkling water can actually help suppress your appetite and reduce food cravings while fasting. Make sure to check the nutritional label and ingredient list to ensure it won’t break your fast. It should not contain any calories, artificial sweeteners, or sugar alcohols. Check out my complete article on sparkling water while fasting to learn more.
The 10 Best Sparkling Waters For Intermittent Fasting
Topo Chico Sparkling Water: Score 10/10
– Very Refreshing
– Glass or Plastic Bottles
– Highly Carbonated Making it Very Crisp
– Hard to Find in Some Stores
– Glass Bottle Requires a Bottle Opener
First on our list has to be Topo Chico. This drink is amazing, and my all time personal favorite. It comes in either 12oz glass bottles all the way up to a 50.7oz plastic bottle. Personally, I prefer the glass bottles because it taste more refreshing and crisp in my opinion. However, the large plastic bottles are helpful to sip on during an extended fast.
The only problem I have with the glass bottle is that it requires a bottle opener, thus you cannot screw the cap back on. So the glass bottle is best for home use. However, the plastic bottle is great to take on the go and you can always screw the cap back on a plastic bottle. Especially the 50.7oz bottle, which can be taken with you throughout the day, and makes a great drink to sip on through your fast. Topo Chico does come in natural flavor options such as twist or lime or grapefruit.
San Pellegrino Sparkling Water: Score 9.5/10
– Glass or Plastic Bottles
– Glass Bottle Has a Twist On/Off Cap
– Very Crisp Water From the Italian Alps
– Somewhat Expensive
Next on our list is San Pellegrino Sparkling Water. Imported from the great foothills of the Italian Alps! The San Pellegrino comes in plastic or glass bottles, and is available in 16.9oz or 33.8oz bottles. I really like that the San Pellegrino glass bottle has a screw cap. So even with the glass bottle you can take it on the go with you.
San Pellegrino is very crisp and has a clean taste that you will definitely notice. It is slightly less carbonated than Topo Chico, but is still very carbonated. This sparkling water is naturally enriched with calcium, magnesium, and mineral salts for a great taste. I recommend buying a case for a much better value.
Perrier Carbonated Mineral Water: Score 9.5/10
– Stylish Option From France
– Fairly Inexpensive
– Multiple Natural Flavors
– Not as Carbonated as Topo Chico
Perrier carbonated mineral water is a great choice to drink while intermittent fasting. This is a really affordable option compared to S. Pellegrino and Topo Chico. Yet it remains a stylish option similar to San Pellegrino’s. Perrier is bottled in the South of France and has been around since the late 1800’s!
This Perrier comes in a pack of 24 for a really good price, and multiple bottle sizes of 16.9fl oz and 33.8fl oz. Also, there are multiple flavors such as natural lime, peach, strawberry, watermelon, etc. These flavors do not contain any calories or sweeteners.
Bubly Sparkling Water: Score 9/10
– Good Price
– Value Pack of 12oz Cans
– Multiple Natural Flavors
– No Glass Bottles
– Not as Crisp as Others
Bubly Sparkling Water is a very popular option. These are available nearly everywhere, and can even be found in most gas stations. I do like the Bubly cans, but wish they offered these in glass bottles. Bubly is very affordable, and can be put in large value packs of 12oz cans.
The Bubly I suggest is the “Just Bubly” flavor which is just plain carbonated water. They do have a ton of flavors, and most taste very good with a hint of fruit flavoring. The ingredients on the flavored cans is carbonated water and natural flavors. These natural flavors are oils from real fruits/vegetables, and will not cause an insulin response in most. However, there still is some debate on the taste of sweetness on the tongue. So if you are concerned about this breaking your fast, then stick with the “Just Bubly” flavor. Read my full article on sparkling water to learn more about the taste of sweetness causing an insulin response.
La Croix Sparkling Water: Score 9/10
– Very Affordable
– Found in Most Grocery/Gas Stations
– Multiple Natural Flavors
– Only Comes in Cans
– Not as Good of Taste
La Croix is a very popular sparkling water, and is similar to Bubly. La Croix natural flavor is pure sparkling water with no sugars, sweeteners, or artificial ingredients. They do have a bunch of flavors, and like Bubly they are “natural flavors” meaning oils from real fruits, but in most cases will not cause an insulin response.
However, I recommend just sticking with the pure or natural La Croix. That way you know for certain that it will not cause an insulin response. La Croix can be found in nearly every grocery store or gas station, and the value case if very affordable.
Phocus Caffeinated Sparkling Water: Score 9/10
– Energy Boost
– Neuro Enhancements from L-Theanine
– Blunts Appetite
– May Not Want the Caffeine
– Comes in Can
I really like the caffeinated sparkling water by Phocus. These are packed with 75mg of natural caffeine per can extracted from green tea. So they make a great choice in the morning if you are not a coffee drinker. They provide you energy while fasting, and the caffeine and L-Theanine can actually increase the fat burning effects of intermittent fasting.
L-Theanine is a non-essential amino acid meaning it is non-proteinogenic, and will not break your fast. L-Theanine is an active ingredient that is naturally found in green tea. So both the caffeine and neuro-enhancing L-Theanine can actually enhance the effects of intermittent fasting, and help curve hunger cravings while fasting. I recommend Phocus sparkling water if you need an energy boost while fasting or simply don’t like the taste of black coffee.
Clearly Canadian Sparkling Water: Score 8.5/10
– Very Pristine Water
– Voted Best Tasting Water in the World
– Rich Mineral Profile
– Somewhat Expensive
– Not as Much Carbonation
Clearly Canadian Sparkling Water is a premium mineral water found only in North America. This sparkling water is bottled straight from Canada, and is known for having some of the best filtration and minerals. Clearly Canadian sparkling water is packed with minerals such as calcium and magnesium, and contains a zero sodium rating.
Clearly Canadian Sparkling Water was actually voted the “best tasting water in the world” with medal awards in 2009, 2010, 2013, and 2014. So yes, clearly canadian sparkling water is a great crisp refreshing choice while intermittent fasting. You will see why this sparkling water is so highly rated!
Crystal Geyser Sparkling Spring Water: Score 8.5/10
– Natural Spring Water
– Light and Crisp
– Good Price
– Plastic Bottles
– Not as Much Carbonation
Founded in 1977 Crystal Geyser has been making high quality spring water for quite some time. Crystal Geyser sparkling water is light and crisp, but makes a good choice for intermittent fasting. Especially for those who prefer natural spring water. This sparkling water comes in 1.25 Liter PET bottles that are BPA-free and phthalate free, so you don’t need to worry about a weird plastic taste. I recommend this sparkling water for those of you who are used to drinking spring water, and prefer the taste of natural spring water.
Ever and Ever Sparkling Water: Score 8/10
– Reverse Osmosis Pure Sparkling Water
– Added Electrolytes for Taste
– Twist Off Aluminum Cans
– New Company
Ever and Ever provides a new aluminum can sparkling water on the market. This is a reverse osmosis sparkling water with added electrolytes for taste. These electrolytes include magnesium, calcium, and potassium. The electrolytes will not break you fast, so no worries about that.
This company takes pride in their recyclable aluminum cans, and want to leave an impression on people to avoid plastic bottles whenever possible. Ever and Ever is a great tasting sparkling water and can be taken on the go with twist off aluminum cans.
Liquid Death Sparkling Water: Score 8/10
– Straight From The Mountains
– Lightly Carbonated
– Similar to Beer Carbonation Levels
– New Company
– Not as Much Carbonation
Last on our list is Liquid Death Sparkling Water. Liquid Death is very unique due to its carbonation profile. These sparkling waters are carbonated like a beer rather than a soda. For example, most sodas have carbonation levels of 6-8grams per liter, and most beers have a carbonation level of about 5grams per liter. So Liquid Death sparkling water has a much more mild carbonation level compared to some of the other waters listed above.
I recommend this sparkling water for those who prefer a little less carbonation in their sparkling waters. Sometimes high carbonation can cause the sparkling water to taste slightly bitter, so if you do not like the bitter taste of most sparkling waters, then Liquid Death Sparkling Water is for you.
Final Thoughts
Even though it is just water, I recommend finding one that you truly enjoy. Especially if you are going to be consuming these while fasting. Intermittent fasting can be challenging and most people look forward to having sparkling water during their fasting window. So make sure you find one that you enjoy! There is quite a lot of options to choose from. I recommend trying a wide variety of different ones to find which one you prefer. If you want a highly carbonated option then consider Topo Chico or S. Pellegrino, but if you want a lightly carbonated option then consider Ever and Ever or Liquid Death. Also, consider if you want them in cans, plastic, or glass bottles. The only downfall of the aluminum cans is that you cannot take them on the go as well as you can with a sealable bottle.
I’m wondering about the ice flavored waters and whether they would break a fast.
Hey Michelle, good question.
The “sparkling ice” waters contain 0 calories and 0 macronutrients, however they do contain juice concentrates and sucralose which is an artificial sweetener. Research shows artificial sweeteners “technically” break you fast. Which is why ice flavored waters were not included in this top 10 list. However, if you are fasting just for weight loss purposes they would be okay to drink, but if you want all the benefits of intermittent fasting it is best to avoid the ice flavored waters.
Hope this helps- The Muscle Master
Similar to the last post, what about Polar Seltzer water? It says it contains “no juice, sodium, caffeine, sugar or sweeteners” but it does contain “carbonated water, natural flavors, and essences” . The nutrition label is 0 across the board. I thought this would be okay, but on a fasting FB group they’re saying no. Thoughts?
Hey Erica,
Great question, I am quite familiar with polar seltzer water. Most natural flavors and essences are derived from natural fruit oils, and provide a subtle hint of flavor. These natural flavors/essences in most cases do not cause an insulin response within the body. It is similar to floating a mint leave or lemon peel in your water. However, it may trigger digestion. So for longevity and fat loss/metabolic purposes polar seltzer water is okay, but for gut rest/digestive healing it may break the fast. You will still get most of the benefits of fasting, and polar seltzer water is okay to consume while intermittent fasting.
Hope this helps- The Muscle Master